All Inspiration. No Distraction.

Break free from doomscrolling. Keep motivating visuals right on your desktop, so you stay focused, inspired, and productive all day.

Stay in the flow of your work • Be inspired to do your best • Enjoy getting it done

Patrick works on his business card designs in Sketch, whilst being inspired by his vision board in Visuals.
Patrick knows image is important.
He crafts business cards in Sketch icon  Sketch, inspired by his vision board in Visuals icon Visuals.

Be More Effective

Surround yourself with wisdom, insights, and expert advice. Stay inspired by the best in the business, fueling your best work, right when you need it.

Writing code in Xcode. Staying focused with Visuals.
Cameron is writing the next great app using Xcpde icon  Xcode.
Visuals icon Visuals keeps Cameron focused and on target - making sure she'll hit the deadline and deliver something great.

Keep Your Eye on The Prize

Visualize success every day. Use inspiring images to anchor your habits, fuel your determination, and stay aligned with your goals.

Turn your screen into a powerful tool for personal growth.

Natacha uses Visuals for her fitness inspirations, whilst using Numbers to track progress.
Natacha stays sharp with Visuals icon Visuals, keeping her fitness inspirations in view,
while Numbers icon Numbers tracks her progress.


Marcus stays motivated. Writing "Influence Yourself" in Pages icon Pages, he lets
Visuals icon Visuals keep him on track, showcasing his fitness aspirations and healthy habits.

Immerse Yourself in Knowledge

Transform your study space with visuals that inspire and motivate — vocabulary flashcards for fluency, breathtaking maps that bring history to life, or coding snippets that ignite creativity.

Sarah invests in the future.
Taking notes in IA Writer icon  IA Writer, she uses Visuals icon Visuals to immerse herself in the world of AI.

Good Vibes, Great Aesthetics. Elevate Your Space.

Art • Fun • Fashion • Vibes • Discoveries

Craft personalized mood and vision boards with your favorite imagery. Let your screen reflect the energy and creativity you want to feel.

"I don't do Fashion. I'm Fashion,"


Comics - Modern Day Mythology


No toxicity. No adverts. No algorithm.

Good Vibes Only.


  • Multiple Layouts

    Choose and customize layouts to present your images the way you want.

  • Dynamic & Interactive Moodboards

    Set a timer for random updates.
    Click or double-click to resize and refresh images instantly.

  • Full Screen & Split-Screen

    Enjoy an immersive experience in full screen.
    Use split screen to keep a relevant gallery visible while you work.

  • Windows & Tabs

    Create multiple windows and tabs, and manage them with macOS tools like Stage Manager and Desktops.

  • Native Mac app

    Crafted with Apple’s latest technology, Visuals is energy-efficient, memory-friendly, and runs seamlessly alongside your most demanding apps.

  • One time purchase

    No subscriptions, just a simple, one-time purchase.